The mission of Venture Academy Family of Schools is to awaken the imagination, passion, dreams and curiosity of TK-12 students by providing rich, standards-based educational opportunities for those who seek innovative, non-traditional approaches to learning. Our students will become literate, lifelong learners empowered to embrace challenge, think critically, play passionately, live responsibly and imagine possibilities.
Schoolwide Learning OutcomesSchoolwide Learning Outcomes (SLO's) define what each student should know, understand, and be able to do upon leaving Venture Academy. They are the framework around which the academic program is built and reflect the mission, vision and beliefs of the school. The six SLO's, developed by Venture Academy staff are listed below. Throughout their education at Venture Academy students are challenged to demonstrate the following:
Venture Academy students will embrace challenge. Students may demonstrate this by (but are not limited to):
Venture Academy students will think critically. Students may demonstrate this by (but are not limited to):
Venture Academy students will live responsibly. Students may demonstrate this by (but are not limited to):
Venture Academy students will play passionately. Students may demonstrate this by (but are not limited to):
Venture Academy students will learn infinitely. Students may demonstrate this by (but are not limited to):
Venture Academy students will imagine possibilities |
Belief StatementWe believe that…