Head Injury or ConcussionHas your child sustained a head injury or been diagnosed with a concussion that may affect their academic performance?
If so, please contact your child's teacher or school nurse immediately. The following forms are recommended for management and safe return to school post head injury. Physician clearance and recommendations are required for safe reintegration into the classroom setting. Concussion Information for Students/Families that play Sports: CIF Concussion Information English o Spanish CIF Graded Concussion Symptom Checklist (complete pre-season for baseline information) Checklist for Injuries Sustained at School: Concussion Signs and Symptoms Checklist English o Espanol Physican Clearance and Recommendations for Returning to School: Physician Letter to School after Concussion Visit Physician Recommendations & Accommodations for Returning to School Standard Protocol: Return to Learn Protocol English o Espanol Return to Play Protocol English |
CIF Information & Training ResourceCalifornia Interscholastic Federation (CIF) resources for concussion and head injury identification and management. There is also a FREE Training from NFHS and CIF. VAFs Staff should email the school nurse directly for registration.
HEAD UP Concussion Training Course by CDCIf you are interested in head injury specific training free of charge, please take a look at the CDC's HEAD UP Concussion Training Course. You can access the website by clicking "Learn More" below. Look for the "Launch the Course" picture above to begin.
Educator ResourceAn Educator's Guide to Concussions in the Classroom, 2nd Edition.